
Hello everybody. And welcome to today’s knowledge nugget brought to you by One Touch Video Banking. Today’s topic is one we get all the time and want to break it down – what is a Video Lending Advisor? Some folks were doing it pre-pandemic but Video Lending Advisors have been rapidly expanding.

They could be for a mortgage, could be auto, it could be for commercial lending. Have them instantly through your website – fully branded with the touch of a button – whether it’s to schedule appointments, which a lot of these banks have gone to, or if you walk into a branch and see somebody and you have to have a scheduled appointment which frustrates people.

So having that right on your website, the ability to instantly talk to a Lending Advisor with a click of a button, and the option to have a virtual appointment with a Video Lending Advisor.

So why is video lending advisors important? A lot of younger demographics – and when I say younger demographics don’t mean younger, younger… I mean your Millennials even your Gen Xs – do want advice and handholding on lending. Whether it’s an auto loan, whether it’s a mortgage, whether it’s buying a building on the commercial side… or even as you saw during the pandemic, all the PPP loans for small business lending people like to have that face-to-face relationship. Now we live in this convenient world where we don’t want to have to drive a couple of hours round trip in traffic to a bank to talk to somebody.

We still crave that face-to-face advice in that relationship, but now we live in this virtual world where it’s just as easy for me to do that in my office versus getting in a car and driving across town, sitting in a lobby waiting.

It is allowing banks, credit unions, mortgage lending, even financial advisors a way to stand out in the clutter and really increase their conversion rates and build better relationships.

Most people that are banking with banks and credit unions have multiple banking relationships. So if you can stand down and offer this as a service while providing high-touch and better member and customer experiences – it allows you to make that relationship even better. That’s very relaxed. Instead of the old school when you walk into the bank (which people don’t have time for anymore) and you’re having that lending conversation to find out what else is going on in their life; and allows you to increase that wallet share as well.

So it’s not just everybody thinks that “oh, hey, it’s just for acquiring new lending customers,” but it’s also that handholding that in this market is required through the process of the loan.

A lot of times people fall out in that process because they get frustrated with the documentation that’s required or a rate change, or they get frustrated on the mortgage that maybe they lost five houses and they want to go back to renting. So it’s not only just on from the loan officer side, but also the processor and just keeping those touchpoints.

So don’t just look at it as just a pure acquisition side, but also look at it as the retention and the conversion rate of pushing that loan through the funnel and allowing you to close that loan.

So increasing the conversion rate and competition on the front side, but also from the completion of the loan on the backside. So how do you get started with Video Lending Advisors?

There’s a technology behind it. There’s a process behind it. It has to be simple. It has to be right on your website. You have to be able to collect, connect within a couple of seconds and then you need to have the data behind it. You need to have the routing behind it. So from an intelligent routing perspective, how video lending advisors work is – I could click a button and say “hey, I want to talk to a mortgage advisor.” And then the technology would be able to look and say there’s one in Austin available, Dallas available, Houston available, let’s ping and see who’s available RIGHT NOW. And then instantly that person comes on the other line and you’re having that video conversation.

They just want somebody available, that’s licensed in their state, and then they can have further this process down. In addition, you have to have the data and the analytics behind it, of the connection rate. You have to have the data on who was the lending advisor that took it all that data around availability things like that. So it is a full journey from start to finish. It doesn’t work on FaceTime, doesn’t work for a Skype call or a Zoom call. There is an actual technology behind it that makes it all happen. So that’s today’s Knowledge Knugget brought to you by One Touch Video Banking. If you want to learn more about what video lending advisors are – we do outline it in our new White Paper. If you click on the notes here and download a copy of that as always, please subscribe to the podcast to get your weekly knowledge delivered in your podcast player of choice. And we’ll see you next week.

Video Lending for Banking

Large banks have lost 52% market share over the last 7 years to online lenders. The consumer lending environment has changed and it’s driven by customer demands for digital experiences, ease of technology, and high-touch hand-holding.

The rise of Video Lending for banking is keeping banking executives up at night.

Branch footprints are smaller and most banks have already centralized their loan officers. This means that most mortgage advisors are talking to customers over the phone and email without meeting them “like the old days” in person.


Given most consumers are talking on the phone to 2-3 loan officers, all with similar rates, building relationships to win the business is critical to win the high-margin loan business.

digital lending

Top 3 Ways Video Lending for Banking Improves Conversion Rates

video lending

Gain More Referral Business With Elevated High-Touch Interactions.

Deepen referral business with realtors, home builders, and local relationships with instant video advisors available to them on-demand. Creating memorable experiences increases referrals and reduces them using multiple lenders.

video lending advisor

Expand marketing reach and optimize staff across physical locations.

Increase marketing outside of normal driving mile radius. In addition, for customers that are seeking lending services in a physical branch, instantly connect them to a video lending advisor before their leave the branch location. No more callbacks, emails, or handing out business cards that never close.

customer relations

Deepen Relationships Through Instant Video.

Stand out from the clutter, replace your initial phone calls with video calls. Deepen the relationship while increasing your conversion rates on average 50%+.

Video Lending for Banking Metrics

Portion of phone appointments
replaced by video chat


Customers who rated their experience as “excellent”


Increase in new mortgage business from video chat


Reduction in
cost per sale



“The latest video banking technologies shift the consumer experience to a human and digital delivery service across several delivery channels.”

Jon Erpelding, President, NuSource Financial

Digital Lending eBook | What's Inside

  • What is Video Lending as a Service (LaaS)?
  • Top 3 ways Video Lending Advisors can increase conversion rates.
  • Two case studies outlining an average 1,380% ROI by adding video lending advisors to their acquisition efforts. 
  • Increase 1003 applications providing instant access to loan officers to your realtor and builder relationships. 
  • How video advisors go beyond approvals and throughout the processor and servicing journey.

To succeed in Video Lending for banking, it’s imperative that you’re able to capture your audience’s attention in those first few seconds that they land on your website. Consumers are comfortable in digital acquisition for lending, and they likely have a few tabs open to compare information quickly.

lending industry data

Areas of Opportunity:

Video Pre-Qual

Increase competitive advantage with the initial remote video pre-qual process. Build face-to-face relationships and read mannerisms.

Real-Time Realtor Video Leads

Provide your realtor network the ability to video in their clients, right from the home they want to put an offer in on.

Loan Process Hand-Holding

Create deeper relationships and increase retention with proactive virtual face-to-face communications.

Video 1003s With Intelligent Routing

Instantly do pre-quals for your lending network with intelligent routing connecting your video loan advisors throughout the country.

video banking roi calculator

What's My Video Banking ROI?


Get your custom ROI calculation using industry standards and 3rd party data.

Provide an in-person experience for your online customers. When it comes to online personal finances customers want live assistance from an expert. Being able to see that representative adds an element of trust and clarity to interactions and shrinks concerns that might otherwise stop customers from completing their transactions online

The average video banking ROI is 300%.

how does video banking work
- 2 Click Simplicity
- 100% White Labeled Customer Experience
- Browser-Based
- Beyond 1:1 Video Calls