Digital Transformation in Banking
Customers Regardless of Generation, Demand Convenience and Digital Transformation in Banking with High-Touch Service.
The pandemic taught customers to function without full branches for months. COVID forced the hands of banks that had been reluctant to go down a digital path.
Since 2008
In the last 3 years, alone
- Increase in fintech with branchless financial institutions built on customer experience and digital marketing.
- Customers’ expectations for digital-first are across all industries, not just in the financial services industry.
- Consolidation & acquisitions in community banks.
- Banks are opening smaller branch footprints to advise customers, rather than transactions.
Banks need a way to digitally acquire and service customers for growth.
Top Reasons To Implement Video Chat For Banking
Attract New Customer Demographics
Expand New Markets W/O Physical Locations
Compete With Direct Banks and Gain Competitive Advantage
Increase NIM
Increase Wallet Share and # Of Products
Elevate Customer Experiences
Increase Retention
Reduce Costs/Optimize Workforce
What Features Do You Need to Create Branch-Like Experiences? Critical Features to Achieve an Average of 300% ROI.