Why Banks Are Scrambling to Video Banking?
In this White Paper we cover the future of physical branches, lessons learned from phase 1 of COVID, and best practices on how to increase your digital conversion rates 3X with new video banking data. Lean how video banking is increasing NPS/CSAT scores plus wallet share.
- Comparison chart of video banking vs. video conferencing vs. video ITMs? Why bank executives are ditching video ITM plans to save over 80%.
- Beyond COVID, what are the demand drivers for video banking?
- Lessons learned from COVID and how it changes branch design, virtual employees and the future of new locations.
- How to effectively increase digital marketing conversion rates by 3x with video banking?
- Illustration: today’s fragmented branch model vs. integrating best practices in your video banking model.
- Video Banking 101: Best Practices on how and where to get started with video banking.